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April 2020 - page 5


New AP exam format: How are we feeling?

College Board announced March 20 that students will take an at-home, consolidated form of the AP exam that lasts 45 minutes. Following up April 3 with the updated exam schedule, College Board released the possible content covered on the exam and question types, sparking varied sentiments. Keep Reading


Turning garbage into gold

With Heritage’s recent efforts to encourage sustainability, the school has made many changes on campus in an effort to reduce its carbon footprint. However, while the school has more sustainable forms of utensils and to-go food containers which are biodegradable, the waste still ends up in the landfill. Keep Reading


Movie Review: “Outbreak”

Cooped up during quarantine, my family has taken to having movie nights in a bid to get along for two hours. Although deciding which movie to watch tends to lead to World War III, we unanimously decided to watch a movie fitting for today’s current global landscape: the 1995 thriller “Outbreak.” Keep Reading


When They Were Us: Mrs. Smith

From the age of fifteen, photography teacher Mrs. Teresa Smith has had a passion for photography. “From that point on, it has been a constant hunger to take a photograph worthy of being on a sheet of paper,” Mrs. Smith said. Keep Reading

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