October 31, 2021 Features/Opinion Halloween candy that’s worth the cavities To celebrate Halloween, the iPatriotPost staff shares their favorite candies. (Photo/Ella Gohari) Keep Reading
October 29, 2021 Multimedia/News/Photos Homecoming Day 5 Homecoming week ended strongly with a black and gold theme for school spirit. (Photo/Elizabeth Zhu) Keep Reading
October 28, 2021 Multimedia/News/Photos Homecoming Day 4 The fourth day of Homecoming culminated in outfits for Band Day, a movie night and Trunk-or-Treat. (Photo/Nithisha Makesh) Keep Reading
October 27, 2021 Multimedia/News/Photos Homecoming Day 3 Students enjoyed the third day of Homecoming week, dressing in Hawaiian outfits for luau day. (Photo/Elizabeth Zhu) Keep Reading
October 26, 2021 Multimedia/News/Photos Homecoming Day 2 Patriots celebrated the second day of Homecoming by wearing their favorite pajamas. (Photo/Irene John) Keep Reading