For the fourth year in a row in Heritage’s history, five teams dominated at the regional Science Olympiad competition, with four of them qualifying to States.
The competition was held at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) Feb. 24. Alongside the three high school teams, two middle school teams competed in a separate division, totaling 75 Patriot competitors.
In each team, there are 15 students that must compete in multiple events.Typically, each student has three events, so students must be prepared for a variety of topics. These topics range from robotics to forestry knowledge. “Because I’m on the Pre-Med track, I compete in Disease Detectives, Anatomy and Experimental Design,” senior Akansha Mehta said. “I love when I’m able to use the things I’ve learned throughout high school in Science Olympiad and vice versa.”
After a day of running around the FAU campus in pursuit of being on time for their events, competitors convened on the courtyard grass for their final results.
Overall High School Team Results:
3rd place – Team 1
5th place – Team 2
9th place – Team 3
Overall Middle School Team Results:
2nd place – Team 4
3rd place – Team 5
Individual Awards: Team 1
4th place – Air Trajectory: Mia Lopez, 12 & Nick Diaz, 11
1st place – Astronomy: Vishakha Joshi, 12 & John-Paul Younes, 12
6th place – Chemistry Lab: Vishakha Joshi, 12 & John-Paul Younes, 12
2nd place – Codebusters: Emma Pudney (11), Ty Holifield (12) & Ethan Deng (12)
6th place – Detector Building: Ethan Deng, 12 & Vishakha Joshi, 12
3rd place – Disease Detectives: Iris Fan, 11 & Zijan Fang, 12
6th place – Experimental Design: Audrey Prado (11), Emma Pudney (11) & Henry Lecompte (11)
2nd place – Flight: Ty Holifield, 12 & John-Paul Younes, 12
1st place – Forensics: Mia Lopez, 12 & Clara Hilsman, 11
1st place – Fossils: Andrew Lodin, 11 & Rishi Guntupalli, 12
4th place – Geologic Mapping: Andrew Lodin, 11 & Clara, Hilsman, 11
2nd place – Optics: Henry Lecompte, 11 & Ethan Deng, 12
2nd place – Wind Power: John-Paul Younes, 12 & Emma Pudney, 11
3rd place – Write it Do it: Mia Lopez, 12 & Zijan Fang, 12
Individual Awards: Team 2
6th place – Anatomy: Kangana Modi, 11 & Akansha Mehta, 12
5th place – Astronomy: Niles Alexis, 12 & Gaby Kucher, 10
4th place – Chemistry Lab: Emily Wang, 11 & Umair Baig, 12
3rd place – Detector Building: Emily Wang, 11 & Umair Baig, 12
5th place – Ecology: Yana Danzig, 12 & Olivia Page, 10
2nd place – Experimental Design: Gaby Kucher (10), Jason Cheng (12) & Akansha Mehta (12)
2nd place – Fossils: Rachel Kludy, 12 & Gaby Kucher, 10
5th place – Geologic Mapping: Rachel Kludy, 12 & Yana Danzig, 12
5th place – Robot Tour: Niles Alexis, 12 & Victor Jafet, 11
3rd place – Tower: Max Whitney, 11 & Galen Lee, 11
4th place – Wind Power: Niles Alexis, 12 & Umair Baig, 12
5th place – Write it Do it: Olivia Page, 10 & Valerie Younes, 10
Individual Awards: Team 3
5th place – Fermi Questions: Matthew Wang, 11 & Max Callis, 9
2nd place – Forensics: Javier Irizarry-Delgado, 12 & Doreen Li, 10
6th place – Scrambler: Hari Muhunthan, 11 and Kevin Zhang, 11
5th place – Tower: Max Callis, 9 & Henry Harrison, 10
5th place – Wind Power: Doreen Li, 10 & Lorenzo Pulmano, 12
Individual Awards: Team 4
6th place – Air Trajectory: Pascal Brinkmann, 8 & Jake Kludy, 8
3rd place – Anatomy: Susana Reguiera, 9 & Claire Zhang, 7
6th place – Can’t Judge a Powder: Oliver Lecompte, 8 & Rachel Cohen, 8
4th place – Codebusters: Vid Yash (9), Kyra Movva (9), & Susanna Reguiera (9)
4th place – Crime Busters: Rachel Cohen, 8 & Oliver Lecompte, 8
4th place – Disease Detectives: Oliver Lecompte, 8 & Rachel Cohen, 8
2nd place – Dynamic Planet: Adrika Hierholzer, 8 & Diane Alain-Tereshchenko, 9
1st place – Experimental Design: Vid Yash (9), Susana Reguiera (9) & Kyra Movva (9)
2nd place – Fast Facts: Olivia, 8 & Susana Reguiera, 8
4th place – Flight: Ryan Cheney, 9 & Jake Kludy, 8
3rd place – Forestry: Olivia, 8 & Adrika Hierholzer, 8
1st place – Fossils: Arjun Ravi, 7 & Alay Syed, 7
2nd place – Meteorology: Adrika Hierholzer, 8 & Claire Zhang, 8
4th place – Microbe Mission: Diane Allain-Tereschenko, 9 & Olivia, 8
5th place – Optics: Vid Yash, 9 & Kyra Movva, 9
5th place – Reach for the Stars: Arjun Ravi, 7 & Alay Syed, 7
5th place – Road Scholar: Tidyan Baazi Pujol, 8 & Adrika Hierholzer, 8
1st place – Roller Coaster: Pascal Brinkmann, 8 & Tidyan Baazi Pujol, 8
4th place – Tower: Pascal Brinkmann, 8 & Tidyan Baazi Pujol, 8
3rd place – Wind Power: Pascal Brinkmann, 8 & Tidyan Baazi Pujol, 8
Individual Awards: Team 5
4th place – Air Trajectory: Charles McLane, 7 & William McLane, 8
4th place – Anatomy: Riley Campillo, 7 & Anthony Maragno, 8
1st place – Codebusters: Melody Chung (8), Demir Ozelcagalayan (8) & Cristine Yu (8)
5th place – Crime Busters: Melody Chung, 8 & Roma Agrawal, 8
3rd place – Disease Detectives: Anthony Maragno, 8 & Riley Campillo, 7
6th place – Dynamic Planet: Heidi Klink, 7 & Francesca Dadios Perry, 8
2nd place – Experimental Design: Roma Agrawal (8), Francesca Dadios (8) & Cristine
3rd place – Fast Facts: Melody Chung, 8 & Roma Agrawal, 8
2nd place – Fossils: Platon Nesmeyanov, 7 & Maha Baptista, 7
2nd place – Microbe Mission: Heidi Klink, 7 & Isabella Dadios Perry, 9
6th place – Reach for the Stars: Platon Nesmeyanov, 7 & Maha Baptista, 7
4th place – Roller Coaster: Charles McLane, 7 & Demir Ozelcagalayan, 8
5th place – Tower: Carolina Jafet, 7 & Platon Nesmeyanov, 7
5th place – Wheeled Vehicle: Charles McLane, 7 & William McLane, 8
2nd place – Wind Power: Melody Chung, 8 & Asher Bernstein, 8
2nd place – Write it Do it: Heidi Klink, 9 & Roma Agrawal, 8

Senior Ethan Deng prepares for his event Detector Building by making some last-minute adjustments. “Going to our previous three invitationals at Cornell, Carnegie Mellon and Harvard helped me prepare early in the year so that now I only have to make small tweaks before heading into competition,” Deng said. (Photo/Lauren Wong)

After several months of tireless preparation, junior and club President Emma Pudney, right, displays all three medals won that helped her team secure a spot at States. “I’m really proud of each of the teams’ hard work and dedication to Science Olympiad,” Pudney said. Pudney’s mother, left, is a Science Olympiad coach who teaches for events such as Microbe Mission and Anatomy. (Photo/Jennifer Page)

All 75 students proudly display all of their achievements at sunset before heading back home for much needed rest. President Emma Pudney held up Team 1’s third place trophy now found in Ms. Page’s room. (Photo/Jennifer Page)