Despite the seeming constancy in our seasons, fall can still be a festive, memorable time. Check out our selections for local autumn and Halloween festivities. Keep Reading
The most impressive haunted house at HHN was the “American Horror Story” house. The house encompasses three seasons of the hit TV show – Murder House, Freak Show and Hotel – and each “scene” within the house is incredibly realistic and reenacts the scene from the show almost perfectly. Keep Reading
Like most movie goers, once the popcorn was gone, what appeared on the screen either captivated the audience or caused them to nod off. In this third and final debate, the audience did not show much enthusiasm. Keep Reading
Whether studying in the Richter Library or participating in one of UM’s intramural or club sports, students know what it is all about: the U. Keep Reading
After being on blood thinners since February, Bosh told the media he was “ready to play.” He also said that he would be at the beginning of training camp on Sept. 27. However, he still had to pass a physical. Keep Reading