Heritage hosted its senior high club fair in the student center, Wednesday, Sept. 14. (Photos/Irene John, Nithisha Makesh, Hannah Letzelter, Zoe Horwitz) Keep Reading
The Junior High Club Fair took place Thursday, Sept. 9. Junior high students were invited to visit various stations and learn more about the clubs offered at Heritage. (Photos/Hannah Letzelter) Keep Reading
After 16 years at Heritage, Mrs. Blum is packing up her things and exchanging the warm tropical sun of Florida for the warm, not-so-tropical sun of Southern California. (Photo/Mrs. Angela Moorman-Davis) Keep Reading
The Myers-Briggs personality test is an online questionnaire that assigns personality types to test takers based on their responses. Our staffers decided to take the quiz to see just how accurate the results were. (Photo/16 Personalities) Keep Reading
Telling someone that they are crazy can be really damaging to them. One of the major reasons people with mental illnesses may never go seek help is because they are worried about being called crazy. (Photo/Bridget Yu) Keep Reading