The many personalities of the Patriot Post

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The Myers-Briggs personality test (MBTI) was developed by a mother-daughter team with no formal schooling in psychology or sociology. Despite their lack of experience, MBTI was a hit, becoming a popular personality test. While it has been adjusted with time using scientific studies to back it up, the question remains: how accurate is MBTI? We wanted to find out by taking it ourselves.  First, here’s an overview of the different traits. All definitions are taken from

The Mind trait explains “how we interact with our environment.” There are two results: extraverted (E), meaning those who prefer social settings and recharge around other people, and introverted (I), meaning those who prefer solitary activities and recharge alone.

The Energy trait “shows where we direct our energy.” There are two results: intuitive (N), meaning those who are imaginative, curious and theoretical, and observant (S), meaning those who prefer stability, predictability and groundedness.

The Nature trait “determines how we make decisions and cope with emotions.” There are two results: thinking (T), those who prioritize rationality and logic, and feeling (F), those who prioritize emotions and behavior.

The Tactics trait “reflects our approach to work, planning and decision-making.” There are two results: judging (J), those who prefer planning, organization and structure, and prospecting (P), those who prefer spontaneity, freedom and going with the flow.

Finally, there is a secondary trait that does not affect one’s personality type: Identity. There are two results: assertive (A), those who are self-assured, stress resistant and even-tempered, and turbulent (T), those who are perfectionistic, stress-motivated and success-driven.

With that out of the way, onto the results:

Ella — INTJ-A (Architect)

I am skeptical of personality tests since I do not believe humans’ complexity and variety can be classified into such narrow boxes. However, my MBTI results are so accurate that I’m inclined to rethink my opinion. I received the INTJ-A classification, which stands for assertive architect. According to 16 Personalities, architects “believe that, through willpower and intelligence, they can achieve even the most challenging of goals. But they may be cynical about human nature more generally, assuming that most people are lazy, unimaginative or simply doomed to mediocrity.” I truly resonate with this statement; intelligence is something I highly value, while apathy and carelessness are two traits I detest. I also am quite a pessimist, though it is something I try to work on. One thing I found striking is that my nature trait was 100% thinking and 0% feeling, which correlates with the architect’s (as well as my own) tendency to be highly rational and determined yet overly critical, even combative at times. On the other hand, I was borderline in my tactics trait, something I also found accurate since I plan out some days, while other days I go with the flow (though I always have a rough plan in mind). I think the MBTI personality test is a fun way to get an overview of your personality and assess some of your weaknesses, though I would take it with a grain of salt since personalities change with time.

Shreyan — ENTJ-A (Commander)

Per 16 Personalities, “Commanders are natural-born leaders. People with this personality type embody the gifts of charisma and confidence, and project authority in a way that draws crowds together behind a common goal.” I do believe that when it comes to participating in a group project, I often take a leadership role. The website also notes me as 86% extroverted, which I resonate with as I do believe that I am outgoing. I also believe that confidence is part of my personality. Commanders also enjoy a “battle of wits,” which is true as I seek contentious debates and intriguing political discussions. However, the website also portrays me as “ruthless and dominant,” which I believe is an inaccurate depiction of me.  I do not believe that I am of the assertive type since I don’t influence others’ opinions so that they reflect my viewpoints and understandings. Instead, I like to hear others’ viewpoints out and then discuss. Some notable figures with the same personality as me are Steve Jobs, Whoopi Goldberg and the iconic Gordon Ramsay. Overall, the MBTI personality test is a fun test that makes you think about yourself in a different light. I would recommend it for those who are ready to be surprised what their own decisions about them say about their personalities.

Nithisha — ENFJ-T (Protagonist)

When I took the 16 Personalities test about two years ago, it told me that I was an INFJ. As time has progressed my personality has seemed to alter, but not by a lot. According to the test, I’m 53% extroverted and 47% introverted now. Members under the ENFJ-T/ENFJ-A personality type are considered born leaders who “tend to be vocal about their values.” Protagonists have a certain sensitivity which allows them to empathize with others and pick up on their hidden emotions. Per the specific results the test gave me, I am strong in diplomacy and driven by feelings as well as intuition. To an extent, MBTI tests such as this one can yield genuine results, but similar to zodiac signs, the information it provides is vague overall. In my case, parts of my results resonated with me, while other parts I was unsure about. 

Irene — INFP-T (Mediator)

I have never been one to judge people based on their personality test results, but even I have to admit that the Myers-Briggs test was pretty accurate. I was classified as an INFP, or a mediator. My ratio of extrovert to introvert was 43% to 57% which I found remarkably similar to how I perceive myself. I do love to talk and socialize, but, at the end of the day, I would much rather be at home with a book and a cup of coffee. The test also noted that I make decisions based on my emotions, and I agree that I do rely on my feelings more than my logic. Although, what I found the most interesting was actually the “T” tacked on to the end of my results: 76% turbulent. Honestly speaking, at first this felt like a bit of an attack and I was genuinely confused. Yet, the more I reflected on it the more I realized that a lot of my best decisions and accomplishments were made as a result of stress in my life. I am not entirely sure if this is my actual personality type or if I was just feeling particularly nice that day, but it will be interesting to see if it changes as time goes on.

Shreya — INTJ-T (Architect)

I’ve never really believed that personality tests accurately describe the person they’re testing. However, the MBTI test was definitely more intuitive than the countless Buzzfeed quizzes I’ve taken before. The results were surprisingly more accurate than I had expected. The test deemed me an introvert and more intuitive, both of which are very accurate. One of its assessments, that I mostly make decisions using my head, is also very indicative of my personality. Overall, the test was pretty accurate and I thought that it was intriguing to see what famous people share your personality type. Because people’s personalities constantly change as they grow, it would be interesting to take the test at different stages of your life.

Anya — ENFP-T (Campaigner)

I enjoyed looking through the results of this personality assessment because I found them to be rather accurate. Besides telling me what I already knew, 16 Personalities explained parts of my behavior that I had not even acknowledged existed within me. I got “Campaigner” as my result, which emphasized my love for connecting with people. My intense curiosity means that I love to learn and find beauty in practically everything, so I need to explore multiple paths before deciding my own. I make choices almost equally with head and heart. Combined with my deep thinking and dedication, my “Diplomat” personality type strives for change, which explains why I feel so passionately about a variety of topics and work to improve the world around me. Overall, I find it intriguing how the test can classify billions of people into only 16 categories. I believe that personalities change over time, based on a person’s age, lifestyle and the challenges they face. While I do understand that 16 Personalities may be restrictive because people ultimately do not fit in neat little boxes, I also think that it is incredibly useful to understand the intricacies within your mind so that you can treat yourself with compassion and accomplish your goals most effectively.

Zoe — ISTP-T (Virtuoso)

During my personality-quiz phase of quarantine, I took countless of these tests and always felt they were pretty accurate – this one is no exception. I would say my statistics were somewhat accurate; all of my statistics fell pretty close to the 50/50 mark, which I feel is pretty fair because I would say I fall into the middle of all the categories. Tactic-wise, I tend to make a list for things but I’ll constantly alter that list to make my own path for the day; Nature-wise, I tend to consider both thoughts and emotions when making decisions; you get the point. I think the fact that I was put under the “Virtuoso” category is especially cool because per 16 Personalities, they are pretty rare; Virtuosos make up only five percent of the population. One part I’d say was the most accurate was the strengths and weaknesses. 16 Personalities listed Virtuoso strengths as optimistic, energetic, creative, practical, spontaneous, rational and great in a crisis while weaknesses consisted of stubborn, easily bored, noncommittal, private and reserved. Although I’d say these results are pretty accurate for now, I wouldn’t be surprised if this changes as I grow older. I guess we will see what the future holds.

Kayra — ENFP-T (Campaigner)

In modern times, people tend to lean toward scientific data when it comes to personality tests and that is fair since these days people can’t just blindly believe what one tells them about themselves or their future with no proof.  However, it is not always so easy to distinguish cleverly embellished pseudoscience, such as MBTI tests, from science, which is why at first, I was very skeptical of the test. However, after seeing the results, it was shocking to see how an algorithm clearly described myself in ways I could never have. Having a passion towards liberal arts ever since I was a kid, I felt that I fit the definition that campaigners are “independent and creative, always on the lookout for the magic and meaning in everyday life.” I’ve loved to get to the deeper meaning of subjects ever since I was a kid and explore art in various forms as it proved to me that there was no standard for what could be considered beautiful. Also, coming from a country which was not very accepting of “different” people most of the time, I always took extra care to accept people the way they are, so I felt that the description of ENFPs as very accepting and willing to listen to those who want to express themselves aligned with me. Overall, this was a pretty accurate and fun quiz that helped me find out more about myself. Nonetheless, I believe that it can lead to an opposite path as it reinforces stereotypes of how people in a specific category should act or think.

Joseph — ENFP-A/T (Campaigner)

I’d say this description of my personality is partly true. I often find myself on both ends of the spectrum; sometimes I’m really extroverted and optimistic like a true campaigner, but I’d say there are an equal number of days where I feel introverted and pessimistic. One description in particular that resonated with me was that campaigners often “lose steam on projects that once meant so much to them.” I used to love playing soccer and frequently traveling for different tournaments, but a history of chronic injuries strained my relationship with the sport, ultimately forcing me to part ways with it. If I were to take this exact personality test at the age of 10, I would get more or less the same results; I feel as if I’m a true campaigner at heart. Recent experiences, however, have skewed my true personality. When I was younger and more innocent, I identified more with the positive attributes of a campaigner (being extroverted, optimistic etc.), but as I’ve grown older and had more experiences, I honestly feel myself digressing from these qualities. Basically, I really want to be a campaigner (or just be myself), but sometimes life simply does not allow it. I do recommend this personality test as I believe answering the questions as accurately as possible will produce results that have some truth in it. People aren’t black and white though, so a single personality test isn’t going to completely indicate the type of person someone is.

Eva — ENTJ-T (Commander)

Although human personalities are more complex than a simple personality test, repetitive and basic facets of human psyches allow for the MBTI to be relatively accurate, including in describing my personality. What struck me most prominently and accurately in this analysis was the varying strengths and weaknesses of commanders. Commanders are described as extremely driven, constantly striving for greatness and able to take on challenges, two characteristics that effervescently portray me. Yet, commanders are prone to “crush[ing] the sensitivities of those they view as inefficient, incompetent or lazy.” Among my different leadership positions and roles I have taken, I have exercised said behavior due to the high standards that I place upon myself and thus extend onto others, typical of a commander. Yet, I feel as if this position is not entirely accurate, as I do not exemplify the same innate leadership style and desire this website prescribed to me.

Hannah — INTP-T (Logician) 

Personality typing systems such as MBTI can be a great tool for self discovery and improvement, but only if one has researched the basis of the system and each personality type to ensure that they have been typed correctly. Last year, my friend introduced me to MBTI, and through testing and self evaluation, I determined that I was an INFP, which I considered to be a strong, but not perfect match. Now, however, I seem to base more decision making on logic (T) rather than emotions (F), giving me the INTP personality type. However, in the breakdown of how I make decisions, the amount of logic and emotional influence was almost perfectly equal, with 4% more reliance on logic. As these were roughly equal, I would say that I am partially INTP and INFP, depending on the type of situation. The other areas of the type (introversion, intuition, prospection) were accurate to how I perceive myself. I am imaginative, flexible in situations and often prefer to be alone. Still, even though the test was mostly accurate, the MBTI system has many drawbacks. For example, it does not account for changes in behavior due to stress or mental health issues, meaning that it might be difficult to discover one’s true personality type. There are other personality systems, such as my personal favorite, Enneagram, which account for many more nuances and I feel provide a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of one’s psyche throughout various times in their lives. Overall, I think that if you want to have a better understanding of yourself and others, you should try multiple testing softwares, research each, decide for yourself which is the most accurate personality type and maybe find self-improvement along the way.

10/11 of us had the intuitive trait, which makes sense given we are high school journalists who have natural curiosity about the world. For the rest of the primary traits, we were more evenly divided (6 extroverts versus 5 introverts, 6 thinkers versus 5 feelers and 6 prospectors versus 5 judges.) Even if you do not put that much stock in personality tests, all of us agree MBTI is fairly accurate. Ultimately, though, your personality lies in your own hands, not an algorithm’s.

Take it here: and tell us your results in the comments section.

Some of the different personality types are depicted above. (Photo/16 Personalities)