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Kayra Dayi - page 9

Kayra Dayi has 57 articles published.

Kayra is a rising junior who is passionate about art and journalism. She loves expressing herself and the issues she cares about through her writing and artworks. She holds officer positions in Newspaper, Quill&Scroll, and the National Art Honor Society. When not studying, Kayra loves to read nonfiction books, hangout with her friends, cook healthy meals, listen to music while creating art, and spend time with her cat and family. She is looking forward to her junior year as she prepares for AP Art and new articles to write.

A recap and history on the “war” going on between Russia and Ukraine

Despite the ongoing conflicts we see between Russia and Ukraine today, the disagreements and fights between the two countries are nothing new. Yet, it was not until recently that these altercations  became a full blown conflict, affecting not only Ukrainians and Russians, but the world as well. (Photo/Katherine Fateev and Myron Murmanov) Keep Reading

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