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Zoe Horwitz - page 20

Zoe Horwitz has 107 articles published.

Zoe Horwitz, a senior at American Heritage, returns to the Patriot Post for her fourth (and sadly final) year as Editor in Chief. Besides reading and writing, she spends her time playing with her dog or tutoring younger students through Learn with Peers, a non-profit organization she helped found in 2020. During her freshman year, she co-founded FALIA (Food Allergy/Intolerance Awareness) at school, a club that advocates for those with food allergies. Zoe also plays lacrosse, as she plays for a club team and American Heritage girls varsity lacrosse team. Zoe is very excited to be contributing to the Patriot Post.

We need a ski week

Instead of zooming down a snowy mountain, Heritage students will be in the classrooms as usual. Ski break allows students and faculty to relax, catch up on work and actually book a ski trip. Considering what a relief winter break is, it would be great to get another week off. (Photo?Glade Optics via Unsplash) Keep Reading


COVID Protocols

As the Omicron variant of COVID-19 spreads like wildfire, schools must adapt to what we will once again call the new normal. Dec. 31, Dr. Laurie issued an email saying that Heritage will be continuing all of its previous policies, including the indoor mask policy, Magnus symptom daily tracking app, hourly fogging of facilities, UV ionizing filtration system and providing hand sanitizing stations across campus. (Photo/Zoe Horwitz) Keep Reading


Coronavirus + Flu = Flurona

Picture this: the annual flu season that infects between five and 20 percent of the United States each year, combined with the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic that has killed 5,481,302 people as of Jan. 6, 2022. This phenomenon has become a reality, known as ‘flurona.’ (Photo/Sambad English) Keep Reading


Midterm Breakdown

With almost half the school year complete, midterm season rolls around once again. As testing approaches and quarter two grades finalize, it’s important to know exactly how the next two weeks will go. Here’s what you need to know. Keep Reading

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