As one of the most complex archetypes, morally ambiguous characters offer some of the most fascinating plotlines. Featuring not one, but two, characters with questionable moral compasses, Tricia Levenseller’s “The Shadows Between Us” dives into the story of a girl who plans to marry the king–then kill him for the throne.
From the first line, one of my favorite introductions of any novel, Levenseller sets the ambiance of the novel. Shrouded in intrigue and plotting, “The Shadows Between Us” follows Alessandra as she executes her plan to woo Shadow King Kallias. In this not-so-Disney-esque book with royalty, Levenseller crafts a plot rich with complexities that, rather than confuse readers, encourages them to read this book in one sitting in order to figure out who murdered Kallis’ parents and how Alessandra’s plan to take the throne for herself will unravel.
“They never found the body of the first and only boy who broke my heart. And they never will.”
– Tricia Levenseller, “The Shadows Between Us”
Although Alessandra’s actions add onto her past ones to solidify her status as a morally grey character, Alessandra displays commendable characteristics. Emphasizing the importance of being yourself and relying on brains over brawns, Alessandra demonstrates thorough word and actions how powerful a female protagonist she is.
In this self-described “Slytherin romance,” per Levenseller’s humorous dedication, the intricate plot, multidimensional characters and witty dialogue come together to create an intriguing novel full of twists and turns that keep readers hooked.