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Model UN team wins Top Delegation at NHSMUN

This is the sixth consecutive year American Heritage has won the Top Delegation Award. “I really enjoyed touring in New York City, and it was the best way I could have thought of to spend the last trip with the seniors,” junior Daniella Glebov said. (Photo/Mr. Harry Torres) Keep Reading


French students claim victory at Le Congrès

From left to right, top to bottom: Senior Ani Berd, juniors Mira Zine-El-Abidine, Sadie Loughlin, Juan Ruiz, sophomores Alex Ngo, Stella Agratchev, Mariana Roque de Moraes, junior Rosario Castaneda Lozano, seniors Jara Jacobson, Sophie Tulle, sophomores Charlotte Duane, Diane Allain-Tereshchenko, Mia Jeannopoulos. (Photo/Celine Guillerm) Keep Reading

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