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Lights, camera, journalism

After nearly two years of the pandemic, the world is finally making an effort to return to normal. All eyes were on the Washington Hilton as journalists and media correspondents alike met Saturday, April 30 at the annual White House Correspondents dinner. (Photo/Picryl) Keep Reading


A recap and history on the “war” going on between Russia and Ukraine

Despite the ongoing conflicts we see between Russia and Ukraine today, the disagreements and fights between the two countries are nothing new. Yet, it was not until recently that these altercations  became a full blown conflict, affecting not only Ukrainians and Russians, but the world as well. (Photo/Katherine Fateev and Myron Murmanov) Keep Reading


Honor societies host induction ceremony

A majority of the honor societies held their annual induction ceremony March 15 in the theater. Advisers and officers introduced their respective societies and called their inductees to the stage, where each received membership certificates along with other materials such as pins and/or flowers. (Photo/Nithisha Makesh) Keep Reading


Science research students win big at FJAS

The Florida Junior Academy of Science (FJAS) Speaker and Poster competition provides young scientists across the state with the opportunity to present their research to a panel of experienced judges and like-minded peers. The most recent iteration of this competition took place virtually March 12, organized by Heritage’s very own Mrs. Leya Joykutty. (Photo/Ella Gohari) Keep Reading

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