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Opinion - page 21


Creating monotone media

At this point, without a new addition to the social media world, online communication no longer holds its appeal. The new decade holds hope for innovations in this static system, with new technology developing every day. Keep Reading


Democratic Socialism marks the potential ruin of our country

Bernie Sanders has become a household name, given his rise to prominence after his near Democratic nomination in the 2016 presidential election and current lead in the Democratic primaries. However, as Bernie has said multiple times, his campaign is a grassroots movement, propped up solely by individual contributors. Keep Reading


Polarization our country faces

As we near the 2020 election, it seems the only thing Americans will agree on is the extreme polarization our country faces, especially within the past few elections. Although parties often form because of religious or ethnic beliefs and even policy making, the main reason for such a recent split in party lines comes from a more personal place in voters. Keep Reading

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