Lower school students were no longer kids when they stepped on campus Friday, Feb. 10; instead, they were elderly citizens.
“I saw a bunch of little kids dressed up like old people this morning and I was confused until I realized that today must be the 100th day of school,” sophomore Jaiden Bomar said. Bomar was correct; to celebrate completing 100 days of school, lower school faculty invited students to dress up like they were 100 years old.
“Today is the 100th day of school. We celebrate by dressing up as if we were 100 years old,” kindergarten teacher Mrs. Bermudez said. “We always have [the kids] draw pictures of what they think they would look like and we make Froot Loop necklaces with 100 Froot Loops on it.”
The kindergarteners enjoyed the occasion. Kindergartener Bailey Levine had fake hair curlers to accessorize her hair. “My teacher had [the curlers] and I told her to put them in my hair,” Levine said.
Upper school students are also relieved to have gotten through the majority of the year. “This year is my most stressful year yet. I am looking forward to summer to finally get a break from homework and tests. On the bright side, I know I’ve made it though most of the year already,” junior Courtney Lesser said.