Junior Rosa Wu (bottom left) is elected as the new divisional LTG in the February DCM. Shana Xia (top left), Sadhana Tanksali (top middle), Imani Bodet (top right) Rosa, and Charlotte Wu (bottom right) help out at the DCM registration desk. (Photo/Rosa Wu)
After joining Key Club six years ago, Junior Rosa Wu was selected as the new Key Club divisional Lieutenant Governor (LTG), becoming the second consecutive LTG from American Heritage, taking over for senior Shana Xia.
Wu began her journey as a member of Builder’s Club: the middle school sublevel of Kiwanis International—Key Club is the high school level. LTGs are responsible for expanding the clubs within his or her division and communicating between the district and the club.
Wu chose to apply because of the potential impact her position could have on the organization and the people she will be able to meet along the way.
“I love seeing and hanging out with people from across the school district at the division council meetings led by the LTG, so the opportunity to host district-wide events is very exciting to me,” Rosa Wu said.
As the new LTG, Wu has big plans for her term. “My goal is to facilitate the growth of all the clubs in our division through pushing out service initiatives, membership workshops, leading large service events and hosting monthly divisional council meetings,” Wu said.
She would also like to find a way for officers in the division to connect and interact with each other.
“Something new I want to try out are monthly office hours through Zoom so all the club presidents, secretaries, etc. can work on the monthly reports for Florida Key Club, specific goals or ask questions,” Wu said. She plans to make Key Club more collaborative and communicative under her leadership.
Even though Wu is excited for her new position, she also understands the gravity of her role. “Being LTG is a huge responsibility and a lot of clubs and people will depend on me doing a good job,” Wu said. Regardless, she is ready for the challenge. “I am extremely excited for what is to come,” Wu said.