With a new year came a new issue of “The Patriot Post.” Featuring the ignorance plaguing the country and ways to remedy it as the cover story, the newsmagazine covers topics ranging from cultural appropriation to Black History Month.
“This issue took a lot of extra time because of how large the topic of ignorance is. Even the word itself has a negative connotation that needs to get explained. Still, we felt it was our responsibility to take it on,” Print Editor-in-Chief senior Bella Ramirez said.
The staff first started brainstorming ideas after the Capital riots, prompting many ideas regarding misinformation and hatred. Ultimately, the staff decided on “Fifty Shades of Ignorance.”
“For a moment we almost went entirely with the misinformation route because of how topical it was. Ignorance ended up being our top pick though because we wanted to cover not only being misinformed but not having any information at all,” Ramirez said. To read the latest edition, check out the Print Archive or Issuu.