With a new year comes another school literary fair organized by Expressions staffers. In November and December, English students across high school entered their most creative works, whether that be a poem, short story or cartoon, in an attempt by some to win the school literary fair and represent our school at the Broward County Lit Fair… or, for others, to fulfill a grade requirement.
For those especially creative and ambitious students, the wait is over. English teachers and other faculty members read through all submissions and determined the winners here.
Now, the Expressions staff is working diligently to release the School Lit Fair as a website digitally on WordPress, which will go live April 7. Winners were asked questions such as how they were inspired, what motivated them and what they hope readers will take away from their piece. The answers to those questions, as well as the pieces themselves, will all be featured on this upcoming website.
First place winners will move on to the County Lit Fair, where they will have the opportunity to place in their categories on a more competitive scale.