“WandaVision,” a TV series streaming on Disney+ as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), follows Wanda Maximoff after the events of the Marvel movie “Avengers: Endgame.” Keep Reading
Although Rodrigo wrote the previous hit song, her actual debut song was “Driver’s License,” released Jan. 8. After only 17 days, the song hit 200 million streams on Spotify, and Rodrigo became the first Asian-American to hit No.1 on the US iTunes and Apple Music charts. Keep Reading
Disney's viral Star Wars series “The Mandalorian” is premiering its second season, bringing back audience favorites the Mandalorian and the Child, as well as introducing new characters from the extended Star Wars franchise including Ahsoka Tano and Bo-Katan Kryze. Keep Reading
Featuring not one, but two, characters with questionable moral compasses, Tricia Levenseller’s “The Shadows Between Us” dives into the story of a girl who plans to marry the king–then kill him for the throne. Keep Reading