Horrified by the humanitarian crisis after the Beirut explosion, the Hachem siblings offered assistance in the form of three collection drives. Keep Reading
With this school year unique to any year prior in that many students are participating in distance learning, what students eat for lunch on a daily basis has changed. Keep Reading
This past year, a pandemic ravaged the world. Events, and people, became COVID superspreaders, transmitting the virus rapidly. However, there’s another disease plaguing the 21st century: opinion-based misinformation. Keep Reading
A month to celebrate the achievements women have made in the United States, Women’s History Month started as a week celebrated locally in Santa Rosa, Calif., in 1978. Keep Reading
A national holiday in the United States, Black History Month celebrates, every February the often unremembered and overlooked accomplishments and history of Black Americans. During this month, special attention is given to Black-focused studies through specialized school curriculums, special events and more. Keep Reading