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Opinion/UH Actually....

UH, Actually: Don’t Valentine’s hate, Valentine’s date

February marks the month of presidents, groundhogs and arguably most importantly, romance. Valentine’s Day is one of the most anticipated holidays of the year, with 56% of Americans planning to celebrate it, according to Statista.  However, even with all the potential celebrators, there is a large amount of  “Valentine’s Hate” across the internet. According to The Daily Californian, in 2024, the rough estimate of the money earned from Valentine’s Day related purchases was $25.8 billion dollars, or around $185  per… Keep Reading


The President shouldn’t be older than my grandparents

Arguably, most people wouldn’t be as trusting of an elderly Uber driver as they would a younger one. After all, with old age comes sarcopenia (the age-related progressive loss of muscle mass and strength), cognitive health decline, diminished hearing and worsened eyesight to name a few. So, if we are less trusting of them to drive us, why do we trust them to run our country? In Article two, section one, clause five of the U.S. Constitution, it states that… Keep Reading


Micro-cheating does not exist

TikTok always seems to have new trends for everything, and relationships are not an exception. There always seems to be new rules, like the three month rule, or the amount of time you should wait before texting your crush back. The newest rule gaining traction on TikTok, micro-cheating, is controversial.  Keep Reading


Setting the pace: Leave New Year’s resolutions in the past

The celebration of New Year’s holds a special place in many cultures as the dawn of a new year is symbolic of new beginnings. One of the wide-spread traditions when the ball drops is the setting of personal New Year’s resolutions. When looked at more closely, however, usually there are more pens writing than crossing off during this time. Often, people make resolutions to exercise more, to eat less junk food and to improve their finances, but does setting these… Keep Reading

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