Munching on salty Sour Cream & Onion Lay’s potato chips, spicy Hot Cheetos and tangy Cool Ranch Doritos seems about as American as it gets, but Frito-Lay’s iconic products span the globe. Just as Americans have their own preferences for chip flavors, people in other countries have varied palettes, with the flavors in those countries changing accordingly.
On my recent trip to Europe, I stumbled across some of these unique flavors, and, of course, I had to try them. Which flavors should come to America, and which ones are best kept in their home country? Let’s find out:

Ruffles Sabor a Jamón: Spain
The first chip I tried, Ruffles Sabor a Jamón (which translates to flavor of ham), perfectly fits in the ham-loving country of Spain, where Iberian ham is a staple. Eating this chip, I was expecting the strong taste of bacon or ham, but all I could discern was disappointment, salted with sadness. Ruffles Sabor a Jamón essentially tasted like a regular Ruffles potato chip with a wisp of nearly-rotten bacon grease at the very end. It’s alright, but only because Ruffles chips themselves are alright, not because they had a unique flavor of their own. Overall, I give this a 4/10. (Photo/Ella Gohari)
Cheetos Hamburger: Italy
You’d think a hamburger-flavored chip would be sold in the country that consumes the most burgers in the world, America, but alas, this flavor only appears in a few European countries. Not only are the corn puffs flavored supposedly like beef instead of cheese, they don’t even look like a stereotypical puff, instead taking the shape of a rock, paw or scissors which makes the chip much lighter than a regular Cheeto puff. These puffs do not taste anything like a burger, either; rather, they have a more herbal flavor where the corn-base of the puffs can be prominently tasted. Their shape and lack of powdery cheese residue, meanwhile, makes them much easier to eat than a regular Cheeto. Overall, I rank them 8/10. (Photo/Pixabay)

Doritos BBQ: Italy
BBQ is a food staple here, eaten on the most American holiday of all, Fourth of July, and Doritos BBQ is the perfect side dish. Combining the addictive flavor of Lay’s BBQ with Doritos Nacho Cheese’s crunch, stability and denseness, Doritos BBQ is a perfect snack, giving consumers the best of both brands in a single triangular chip. With a hint of sweetness, saltiness and even spice, Doritos BBQ will appeal to every craving. Thankfully, Frito-Lay took notice of American consumers’ love for BBQ and introduced the flavor to some American stores this year, meaning that you, too, can fall in love with the majesty of Doritos BBQ. I rank this 10/10; no, 11/10. (Photo/Ella Gohari)