Junior high students stretch their literary skills at Lit Fair

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Junior high students were recognized for their literary works in this year’s edition of the Junior High literary fair. First place winners will have the opportunity to compete in and place in the county competition. 

Middle school categories differ slightly from high school categories, and they also are judged separately from the older students. Below, see the winners from each category:


Children’s Book 

  1. “The Adventures of Capper and Dapoer the Capybaras” by Chase Goldrich
  2. “Wildflowers” by Olivia 
  3. “The Jungle Competition” by Lola Aycart 


  1. “Rose’s Thorns” by Marisa Quatela 

Formal Essay 

  1. Ernest Hemingway: Dawn of the New Generation by Olivia 

Literary Comic Strip

  1. The Book Thief, The Word Shaker – by Taylor Curtis 


  1. “The How of Mushrooms” by Carolina Pineda 

Personal Narrative 

  1. “Little Bear” by Julian Lupolover 
  2. “Decoding Dyslexia” by Ava Kavan 
  3. “Mazel Tov” by Sophie Masel 

Political Cartoon 

  1. “Of course we’re equal!” by Marisa Quatela
  2. “I’m fine.” by Ella Corrado 
  3.  “It’s just a phase!” by Christine Yu 

Short Story (Major)

  1. “Satya” by Diane Allain-Tereshcenko
  2. “The Lottery” by Skyler Davis
  3. “The Mind-Controlling Music” by Arisa Porter 


Poetry Movie Poster 

  1. “Chocolate” by Rita Dove Artist: Cameron Caprara

Poetry Interpretation Poster

  1. “Still I Rise” by Maya Angelou Artist: Laura Monsalve Jacome
  2. “Legal Alien” by Camila Galindo Reyes
  3. “Manipulation” by Trevor Thompson by Victorija Vencius (Tacher)


  1. Brianna Malloy 
  2. Carolina Pineda 
  3. Anthony Fateev 



  1. “Beauty Standards” by Carolina Pineda
  2. “Curing Our Minds” by Gabi Otero 
  3. “What Could Have Lived” by Vera Danzig 


  1. “Spring Hideaway” by Arisa Porter 
  2. “Flitter Flatter” by Sophie Masel 
  3. “The Midnight Ambush” by Anisabel Diaz Perez 

Copy Make 

  1. “Friend to Friend” by Makayla Montenegro 
  2. “Self to Future Self” by Brianna Malloy 
  3. “From Me to You” by Nicole Aycart 


  1. “Nature’s Artist” by Andre Midawale
  2. “Cold, Yet Warm” by Roma Argawal 
  3. “The Cycle” by Anthony Fateev

Free Verse

  1. “Carolyn, Queen of my Insomnia” by Sofia Barrera
  2. “Forgotten” by Chase Goldrich 
  3. “A Drowning Hope”by Pascal Brinkmann


  1. “Nature’s Breath” Francesca Dadios Perry 
  2. “Ruins” by Nikolas Mantis 
  3. “Sun Shower” by Parker Surtain 


  1. “Ode to Dance” by Gabriela Otero 
  2. “Ode to Hockey” by David Gonzalez 
  3. “Ode to Spring” by Sophie Masel 

Two Voice

  1. “Life and Death” by Eesha Shah 
  2. “Wilt” by Isabel Gurvitch 
  3. “Pre-Posthumous Spirits” by Sofia Barrera 


  1. “Echoes of the Soul” by Lance Stus 
  2. The Great Battle” by Isabel Gurvitch 
  3. “Emotions Unveiled” by Rachel Stus 


  1. “Love” by Gabriella Otero 
  2. “Will it be enough?” Gabriella Boyar


  1. “Hard Cruel Rains”  – Sophie Hochwald – based on “There Will Come Soft Rains” 
  2. “Seasons Changing” – Rowan Cicero based on “There Will Come Soft Rains” 
  3. “Free” – Diane Allain-Tereshchenko based on “Enchanted Night” 


  1. “The Moon” by Tomas Oviedo Santimone 
  2. An Element’s Soliloquy by Sofia Barrera 
  3. “Heart Over Skill” by Bryce Bernheim 

Spoken Word 

  1. Sophia Krauss Almonacid


  1. “Comfort” by Diego Baisch Miranda 
  2. “The Joy of Reading” by Francesca Dadios Perry 
  3. “Childhood” by Anthony Fateev 

Senior Ellaheh Gohari is entering her fourth (and sadly final) year on staff and third year as co-EIC of the Patriot Post. She loves learning new things and can often be found going down Wikipedia rabbit holes in search of random knowledge. Outside of room 25310, she serves as co-president to both the Girls Excelling in Math and Science club and the Science National Honor Society. A science-lover, she enjoys exploring the subject through research projects with UMiami, volunteer tutoring with OTTER and fact-checks with MediaWise. She hopes you enjoy your time reading the Patriot Post.