Looking back at AHPMUN

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In order to recruit students and improve access to Model United Nations (MUN) as an activity, the MUN team hosted their ninth annual home conference: the American Heritage Plantation MUN (AHPMUN).

Over 300 students from 11 schools across the state attended, including the Palm Beach campus, Doral Academy and Pembroke Pines Charter High School. The competition took place Oct. 7 and 8, and was run by a staff of 54 students.

With 10 committees ranging from the United Nations’ Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM) to a committee on Spider Man, participants could choose one that intrigued them the most. They mirrored both the real-world UN committees, the historical crisis committees and the pop culture committees present at collegiate conferences.

As delegates representing either countries or individual characters, students conducted research in order to present and deliberate solutions, ensuring a brighter (fictional) future for their committees.

Heritage’s MUN team generally travels to six conferences each year — of national and international scope — but most public high schools are not financially able to do so. “AHPMUN was a great way for us to provide others access to an activity that we have experience in, so that it can change their lives by teaching them to lead, just as it changed our own,” senior Kayla Giset, chair of the DISEC committee, said.

In the Gossip Girl committee, students pose as wealthy Upper East Side investors in Big Oil who had to tackle the controversies regarding Exxon’s cover-up of climate change while simultaneously preserving their wealth and social status. (Photo/Anya Pinto)

Now a senior at American Heritage, Anya returns as Editor-in-Chief of the Patriot Post. With her passion for journalism, she is Co-President of the Quill and Scroll Honor Society. She started an organization called “ActionPAKT: Projects Advocating for a Kinder Tomorrow” to educate youth about current issues and help them take action; currently, she has expanded it to 15+ chapters in multiple countries, raising $17,000 within the Heritage chapter itself. As a Youth Ambassador for Bullets4Life, Anya advocates for gun control. She leads the top Model UN program in the nation as President, competing nationally and organizing conferences at school. To relax, Anya hangs out with friends, swims, goes on walks and binge watches Netflix. She loves the beach, good food and her lazy little dog Simba more than anything.