Research travels to California to attend IFoRE conference

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Student researchers traveled to Long Beach, Calif. Nov. 9-13 to compete in the International Forum on Research Excellence (IFoRE). The third annual IFoRE competition had over 200 students in attendance, competing with high school, undergraduate and graduate students sharing their research in presentation sessions. Out of the 17 Heritage students that attended, three came home with awards. 

There were two main presentation categories: speaker and poster. Speaker presenters were limited to only 25 students, selected randomly, so the  majority of students gave disciplinary poster presentations, based on their research category. The conference also offered interdisciplinary awards, which were geared towards much broader scientific fields, such as “Body and Mind” and “Human Health”. These awards were open to all students, no matter their presentation type or education level, to apply for. 

In addition to student presentations, the conference hosted banquets to honor outstanding research professors and directors in the science field. Graduate award recipients included Dr. John A. Rodgers and Dr. Xin Zhang, professors at Northwestern University and Boston University, respectively. These banquets not only offered food, but also an opportunity for the winners to discuss their research in their laboratories to the students. The keynote speaker was Dr. Frances Arnold of California Institute of Technology, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in chemistry for developing an evolutionary method to make enzymes more applicable worldwide.

In addition to attending the conference, Heritage students had the opportunity to visit Santa Monica Pier and Los Angeles. Sophomore Anagha Iyer, junior Emma Colarte Delgado, sophomore Shriya Narasimha, senior Amara Okpala and sophomore Aliyah Dania enjoyed the sun and sights at the pier. (Photo/Emma Delgado)

Sophomore Anagha Iyer won Best High School Oral Presenter, junior Emma Colarte Delgado won for Best High School Behavioral Poster Presentation and senior Jacob Federici won Best Presentation in the Agricultural interdisciplinary category. (Photo/Emma Delgado)

The conference held a student networking session in addition to a social with free food and a dance floor. (Photo/Emma Delgado)

As a rising senior, this is Emma’s third year in the Patriot Post and she’s excited to be the Online Editor this year. Outside of newspaper, she’s Co-President of the journalism honor society, Quill and Scroll, and also the Editor-in-Chief of the Sigma Xi Honor Society magazine. She is also involved in and has officer positions in Science Research, Sigma Xi, FBLA, Model UN, SNHS, and other clubs, including honor societies and her own nonprofit. In her free time, she enjoys reading, watching dramas on Netflix, listening to Taylor Swift, and hanging out with friends and family. She’s very excited to work on the Patriot Post this year!