Side hustles for summer for all ages

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Summer is a time for fun with friends and family, but with all the free time it can also be the perfect opportunity to make some money. As a high schooler a job may not always be so easy to attain so here are four quick side hustles you can do over the summer to make some money. 

Lemonade stand:

A simple and fun way to make money this summer is a lemonade stand. You can find many different recipes for lemonade, whether the simple classic lemonade or other varieties of flavors, online and find all the necessary ingredients in your local supermarket. In the hot Florida summer people will need a refreshing drink to cool them off so a lemonade stand is the perfect solution. 

 Pet Sitting:

Summer is the ideal travel time for most families and some will likely need someone to watch over their pets as they travel. During the school year you may find yourself busy; however in the summer without school limiting the amount of hours you have to work in the week you may be more available for pet sitting. It is a great way to make extra money and have fun with animals while you’re at it.

House sitting:

When people travel they may want someone to watch over their houser. Being a house sitter is a great way to make some money over the summer, all it requires is that you tend to someone’s house while they’re away. So you get to make money and on top of it enjoy the benefits of their home. 


Over the summer kids may need to start preparing for what’s to come in the school and if you find yourself to be particularly skilled in an area, then you should consider tutoring. By tutoring you not only help kids excel in subjects, but also further your own knowledge on the subject by challenging yourself to teach it to others. On top of that you get to make extra money and below are places in Florida where you can get started tutoring if you’re interested.

During the hot summer days people are often looking for a cool refreshment which is where a lemonade stand comes in. “I have been doing lemonade stands every summer since I was seven years old and it is so much fun. I often make lemonade with my siblings and we get a lot of fun and bonding out of it. I also can make a lot of money out of it. I remember once it was so hot I made $200 in a day,” freshman Aviva Bejar said.