As the end of the year approaches, students are eager to see the student-produced yearbook, as it is far more than just a book. Not only is it a medium through which students can make valuable memories, but also a way for staffers to learn to work as a team, express their creativity and improve their writing. From having lunch workshops during days with tight deadlines to traveling to conventions, the yearbook crew has found ways to get to know their peers better.
“This year I came to the yearbook class without knowing anyone in the class and not knowing a single thing about designing a page. I ended off the year with basically a family who I spent time with even on the weekends. It was an amazing experience,” sophomore yearbook staffer Eleonor Tsimbal said.
The Patriot Post and Expressions staff, in addition to the yearbook staff, helped distribute the yearbooks throughout the week of May 19. Juniors from English teacher Ms. Bolanos’s class also volunteered to transport boxes and unpack them to speed up the setup.
“The process of distribution was stressful yet enjoyable at the same time. It was great looking at the anticipating faces when they received their yearbooks. It was a meaningful moment looking at the bonds and connections students form throughout the year and through their high school life,” sophomore newspaper reporter Cara Xie said.
Indeed, the gym bustling with social activity, music and students waiting to receive signatures, is one of those special moments that reflects Heritage spirit.
“Seeing everyone talk about summer plans and ask for signatures from their friends made me really happy. Even though distribution was definitely chaotic at first, it was
worth it in the end because of how much happiness the yearbooks brought to everyone,” junior newspaper reporter Ann Hershkovitz said.
All in all, distribution went smoothly, without any major issues. Lines flowed as students were also given the chance to purchase the literary magazine and print issue of the newsmagazine. Having everything ready in advance, the publications’ staffers welcomed the student population to have a look into what the yearbook staff captured throughout the year.

In addition to the annual tradition of wearing crowns on Senior Step-Up Day, juniors are distributed their yearbooks May 20, so that they can get the maximum number of signatures in their last few weeks of school. “Even though I’m not in the yearbook class, seeing everyone enjoy it was fulfilling to me because I understood some of the struggles the yearbook staff faced through my experiences with the newspaper class,” Hershkovitz said. (Photo/Diana Adams)