Ms. Garnet returns to Heritage

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After a year-long hiatus spent taking care of her newborn son, Ms. Clemisha Garnet returned as a substitute teacher last fall and resumed teaching this year.

With over 15 years of teaching experience at other Broward County schools, Ms. Garnet currently teaches Geography and U.S. History at Heritage. She started teaching here during the 2019-2020 school year because she liked the freedom and campus safety compared to public school, as well as the smaller class sizes which allowed for more discussion-based learning.

“Public schools right now are restricting a lot of content which can be tricky especially for a history teacher like myself. It wasn’t a good fit for me anymore, and so I came to Heritage,” Ms. Garnet said.

Ms. Garnet always loved learning about history, and she values the importance of teaching the truth. Inspired by her love for children, Ms. Garnet enjoys forming connections with her students and hopes to make an impact on everyone she teaches. 

“I love hearing about my students’ interests and goals. The staff and faculty on campus have all been so amazing and welcoming,” Ms. Garnet said.

After a year spent caring for her baby boy, Ms. Garnet returned to school. “I’m really excited to get back to teaching my students this school year,” Ms. Garnet said. (Photo/Kayla Rubenstein)

Now a senior at American Heritage, Anya returns as Editor-in-Chief of the Patriot Post. With her passion for journalism, she is Co-President of the Quill and Scroll Honor Society. She started an organization called “ActionPAKT: Projects Advocating for a Kinder Tomorrow” to educate youth about current issues and help them take action; currently, she has expanded it to 15+ chapters in multiple countries, raising $17,000 within the Heritage chapter itself. As a Youth Ambassador for Bullets4Life, Anya advocates for gun control. She leads the top Model UN program in the nation as President, competing nationally and organizing conferences at school. To relax, Anya hangs out with friends, swims, goes on walks and binge watches Netflix. She loves the beach, good food and her lazy little dog Simba more than anything.