Here comes the Sun and it burns

in Opinion by

 Summer is coming up quick and with it comes the bright Florida sun. Beach trips can end in a painful disaster without sunscreen, and not putting on enough SPF (Sun Protection Factor) leads to problems even sunburn calming aloe vera can’t fix. 

For those who have a dedicated, multi-step skin care routine, sunscreen is absolutely necessary . “80 percent of the skin changes we associate with age are actually caused by the sun’s ultraviolet rays,” said Dr. Fayne Frey, a leading dermatologist at Fayne L Frey Md Pc. The New York Times states anti-aging products and hacks are unnecessary when compared to sunscreen, which can help liver spots, sagging and wrinkles.

Of course, the benefits of sunscreen aren’t all cosmetic. SPF can literally save your life; it prevents skin cancer. Skin cancer, also known as melanoma, is one of the most dangerous cancers because of how fast it spreads and how quickly it can become lethal. More than two people die of skin cancer every hour, and the diagnosis rate is rising quickly. Fortunately, there’s a way to stop melanoma in its tracks.  According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, “Studies show that regular daily use of SPF 15 sunscreen, when used as directed, can lower your melanoma risk by 50 percent.” 

Sunburns are no fun and neither are wrinkles or skin cancer. The trouble of putting on sunscreen is worth it, long term and short term. 

Make sure to have more than one type of sunscreen ready. SPF 15 might be good enough for everyday life but beach days require some extra protection, 30 or higher. “I make sure to wear sunscreen everyday. Plus, my makeup is SPF 50 so I’m fully protected,” said sophomore Andrea Astudillo. (Photo/Flickr)